Today, we took the puppies out on the lawn. After 15 minutes, two hawks spotted them and started cirkling us, making noices so we had to pick them up and bring them inside.
Went for a run later on, just a normal day jogging on the left side of the small country road when I heard some sirens. Looked down on my ipod and wondered if it was part of the song, when a car just swoshed past me at what seemed like 120 miles/hour. I almost fell but got to the side and turned around just to see it being followed by a police car with sirens and lights.
Sat down on the side of the road and just cried hysterically, my hand's would not stop shaking. I have been hit by a car before and I don't know if that had anything to do with it, but even though I understood intellectually that I was really shocked and that everything was fine, it was impossible for me to calm down.
Luckily, I have awesome neighbors who know that hugs work wonders. Now, after a warm bath and some ice cream, I feel a lot better.
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SvaraRaderaOMG! :S I remember when you got hit before, even though I was too small to realize how bad it could have gone and mainly thought about why I had to stop playing with my barbie to go see you, I saw you everyday? Like, what's the fuzzz? But now I'm ofc so, so happy that everything went well. I think that accident probably had a huge affect on your reaction now!