The kind of sad thing (except for the death itself) is that it had a lot of pictures on it, for example from when WAG (Welfare for Animals Guild) visited an old people's home and Lakrits was getting petted by everyone, to this weekend when we went to Bonnie's baby shower and saw Lakrits play with his sister Blackberry, that he hasn't seen since he was eight weeks old. But hey, really it mainly sucks for those among you that cared to see pictures from it, because we were there and remember it as if it was yesterday (which it was).
This week it seems like everything is starting up again. My own classes in Sweden (taking American history, crime lit + media analysis classes, the classes I teach (radio for kids), I work as a ESL teacher in Sequim, marketing for a shipping company and then I ride a horse that belongs to my neighbor. Besides my volunteer stuff of course, like WAG and helping out with a web site for Beaujes Dog Training (www.beaujes.com) and free lance stuff for Swedish media. A busy fall, in all.
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