So what, more pricisely, have I been up to?
1: big foot
This weekend, I was invited to come to a meeting with some people who have dedicated their lives and most of their savings into find the sasquatch in the Olympic Peninsula. They needed help setting up a website where their data, video and audio would be collected. I told them I was not a believer, but they said they were looking forward to convince me! However, after looking at my new schedule with courses and stuff, I realized it was not possible for me to do it... Super sad, but hopefully I can still help them out in some way.
2: Ljusdalsnytt
My wonderful ex pupil, now broadcaster extraordinare Iris Ash wrote an article about me for Ljusdals tidning - but she wanted some shots from Washington and our new place, so I managed to put some together and sent them to her. I really hope she picks this one with Jon, it is so wonderfully cheesy.
3: Radio x 2
First of all, I am coaching some bright young students from Tallbacken in the art of doing radio shows. We meet on Skype, and together they are hopefully going to have a show on Radio Ljusdal, our community radio station.
Second, a group of dedicated people in Port Townsend are in the process of starting up a radio station there. It is going to sound a little bit like NPR, a lot of talk, a lot of good music, it is all super exciting and they needed someone who had done a bit of radio before. Well, I have some time on my hands, and I love doing this stuff, so I am volunteering there and will help them train DJs and board operators and set things up in general. You check check them out here. A little warning though - their website has some music playing in the background.

Today, I got the best phone call - it was our neighbor across the road, who wanted someone to go riding with. Two minutes later, I was there, and we went for a wonderful ride around the area. The sun was shining, I had to learn how on earth Western riding works... It was great. Being someone who has only done English ridning, it was a little bit tricky, but I am sure I will figure it out. I rode the horse on the left in this pictures, Abby. I hope this becomes a regular thing, it was so wonderful and our neighbor is soo sweet.
SvaraRaderaGreat blog. Please give me a call -- I'd like to do an interview with you for the Sequim Gazette. I'd also like to learn more about the bigfoot people.
Welcome to Sequim!
Mark Couhig
SvaraRaderaThanks for joining me for lunch. It's great to hear such enthusiasm about our new home (I like it too).
Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture. Can you send one to me at
Mark Couhig