söndag 26 december 2010

Green card and entering the US

Two more days before I head out... I think I have all my documents ready, but there is just so much of it! I applied for and got my green card this summer, but apparently Í dont actually get the physical thing until I am in the US.

So, for the last time, I need to get in the line that says non-residents and give them this thick envelope that was sent to me by the embassy, but that I am NOT allowed to open, together with some chest x-rays. I am so excited!

torsdag 16 december 2010

The list

I was given a time-out from a pretty hectic life, being a broadcaster with all the stress added on by doing live shows. So these two years are really, in short, about letting me find a way to be balanced in life. I want to dedicate these two years to all those things I wish I could do.

Things I have always wanted to do at least once in my life:

Buy a good system camera and learn how to use it
Make jam
Grow vegetables, herbs and flowers
Put up wallpaper
Eat something I have grown in my own garden
Take care of an animal
Change car tire
Read every Nobel winner
Change bicycle tire
Upholster a chair
Put down tile
Build something big
Being able to identify different types of birds
And other animals!
Make lemonade
Make own booze (beer, wine, whatever. Not sure what works)
Learn how to use a gun/rifle
Paint something
Do something in mosaic
Learn how to sew
Chop wood
Bake good-tasting sour dough bread
Learn how to fish, including fly fishing
Cook said fish
Hike (including tent)
Learn how to eat vegetables (including root vegetables)
Navigate a boat
Do a cartwheel
Mountain bike
Buy a home theatre system, put it together and figure out how to use it
Build a fire pit
Make riding horses part of my every day life
Become good friends with my neighbors
Write a Harlequin novel
Learn how to mountain climb
See a killer whale
Clam and Crab
Watch one movie from every country and learn some basic facts about said country
Have a kitchen herb garden